Department Home page
The International Baccalaureate
Conceptual learning
How will I be assessed?
Primary Science Club
Science Activities Noticeboard
MYP Year 6
Yr 6 Syllabus & Assessment
Unit 1: Introduction to investigation
How to write Lab Reports
Unit 2: Living things
Unit 3: Classification of living things
Unit 4: Fungi, Protists and Bacteria
Unit 5: Nutrition I
Laboratory and Tasks
MYP Year 7
Yr 7 Syllabus & Assessment
7º PAI en español
Unit 1 - What do scientists do?
How to write a lab report
SI Units
Unit 2 - The Earth in the Universe
Unit 3: How can we study living things
Unit 3a - Living things
Unit 3b - The Diversity of Life
The Plant Kingdom
The Animal Kingdom
Unit 4 - Ecosystems & Biodiversity
Unit 5: The systems of the Earth
Unit 5a - The Geosphere and the Atmosphere
Unit 5b - The hydrosphere and the Biosphere
Unit 6: Our changing home
Unit 6a: Internal Geodynamics
Unit 6b: External Geodynamics
Laboratory & Tasks
MYP Year 8
Yr8 Syllabus & Assessment
Units 1, 2 and 3 - Measuring Matters
Unit 1 Physical quantities and Scientific Activity
Converting Units
Unit 2 Matter and its Properties
Unit 3 Pure Substances and Mixtures
Concentration and units (g/L, % mass)
Units 4 and 5 - Chemical Cooking
Models of the Atom
Electronic structure of matter.
Periodic table (distribution of elements).
Chemical formulation
Molecular mass
Types of reactions
Lavoisier's law: Balancing of equations
Reaction rates: Factors that affect the speed of a reaction
Units 6, 7 and 8 - Move It!
Unit 6 - Motion (URM)
Unit 6 - Motion (UARM)
Unit 7 - Forces and Mass
Unit 8 - Energy and Transformations
Laboratory & Tasks
How to write a lab report
MYP Year 9
Yr9 Syllabus & Assessment
Unit 1 - General organization of the human body, health and illness
Human cells: levels of organisation
Health and types of diseases
Preventing diseases
The Immune System
Addictive substances and associated substances
Complete Unit 1
Unit 2 - Nutrition
Nutrition and nutrients
The Mediterranean diet
The anatomy and physiology of the digestive system
The anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system
Revision quizzes
The anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
The anatomy and physiology of the excretory system
Nutrition Documentaries
Unit 3 - Interaction and Coordination
The function and anatomy of the nervous system
The endocrine system
Unit 4 - The reproductive system
Anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system.
Menstrual cycle
Infertility, contraception and STDs
Unit 5 - Genetics
DNA and genetic modification
Cells and Inheritance
Mendelian genetics
Unit 6 - Evolution
Evolutionary theories
Evolution Simulators
EXTRA Unit 7 - Ecology and the environment
Laboratory & Tasks
MYP Year 10
Yr10 Syllabus
Unit 0 - Formulation
Unit 1 - Scientific Activity
Unit 2 - Kinetic theory
The Atmosphere
Unit 3 - Mixtures and pures substances: Colligative properties
Unit 4 - The structure of matter
Unit 5 - Stoichiometry
Unit 6 - Redox Reactions
Unit 7 - Movement
Unit 8 - Forces
Unit 9 - Electricity
Unit 10 - Energy
Assessments and Lab Sessionss
Criterion D - Water crisis
Session 1 - Paper balls
Sessions 2 - Properties of substances
Session 3 - Preparing a Schlenk tube
Session 4 - Gas constant
Session 5 - Colligative properties
Session 6 - Job´s method
Session 7 - Redox titration
Session 8 - UARM
Session 9 - Hooke´s Law
PISA questions
DP Biology SL
Topic 1: Cell biology
1.1 Introduction to cells
1.2 Ultrastructure of cells
1.3 Membrane structure
1.4 Membrane transport
1.5 The origin of cells
1.6 Cell division
Topic 2: Molecular biology
2.1 Molecules to metabolism
2.2 Water
2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids
2.4 Proteins
2.5 Enzymes
2.6 Structure of DNA and RNA
2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation
2.8 Cell respiration
2.9 Photosynthesis
Topic 3: Genetics
3.1 Genes
3.2 Chromosomes
3.3 Meiosis
3.4 Inheritance
3.5 Genetic modification and biotechnology
Topic 4: Ecology
4.1 Species, communities and ecosystems
4.2 Energy flow
4.3 Carbon cycling
4.4 Climate change
C: Ecology and conservation
C.1 Species and communities
C.2 Communities and ecosystems
C.3 Impacts of humans on ecosystems
C.4 Conservation of biodiversity
Topic 5: Evolution and biodiversity
5.1 Evidence for evolution
5.2 Natural selection
5.3 Classification of biodiversity
5.4 Cladistics
Topic 6: Human physiology
6.1 Digestion and absorption
6.2 The blood system
6.3 Defence against infectious disease
6.4 Gas exchange
6.5 Neurons and synapses
6.6 Hormones, homeostasis and reproduction
Statistical analysis
Previous to 2015
Topic 1: Statistical analysis
Topic 2: Cells
2.1 Cell theory
2.2 Prokaryotic cells
2.3 Eukaryotic cells
2.4 Membranes
2.5 Cell division
Option F: Microbes and biotechnology
F1 Diversity of microbes
F2 Microbes and the environment
F3 Microbes and biotechnology
F4 Microbes and food production
Topic 5: Ecology and evolution
5.1 Communities and ecosystems
5.2 The greenhouse effect
5.3 Populations
5.4 Evolution
5.5 Classification
Option D: Evolution
D1 Origin of life on Earth
D2 Species and speciation
D3 Human evolution
Topic 3: The chemistry of life
3.1 Chemical elements and water
3.2 Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
3.3 DNA structure
3.4 DNA replication
3.5 Transcription and translation
3.6 Enzymes
3.7 Cell respiration
3.8 Photosynthesis
Topic 4: Genetics
4.1 Chromosomes, genes, alleles and mutations
4.2 Meiosis
4.3 Theoretical genetics
4.4 Genetic engineering and biotechnology
Topic 6: Human health and physiology
6.1 Digestion
6.2 The transport system
6.3 Defence against infectious disease
6.4 Gas exchange
6.5 Nerves, hormones and homeostasis
6.6 Reproduction
DP Biology Resources
Interesting links
Biología 12º
Bloque 1. Bioquímica
Bloque 2. Biología celular
Bloque 3. Genética y evolución
Bloque 4. Microbiología y biotecnología
Bloque 5. Inmunología
IB Biología NS
IB Chemistry HL
Year 1
Topic 0 - Formulation
Topic 1 - Stoichiometric relationships
Topic 2 and 12 - Atomic structure
Topic 3 and 13 - Periodicity
Topic 4 and 14 - Chemical structure and bonding
Topic 5 and 15 - Energetics
Topic 10 and 20 - Organic chemistry
Year 2
Topic 6 and 16 - Chemical kinetics
Topic 7 and 17 - Equilibrium
Topic 8 and 18 - Acids and bases
Topic 9 and 19 - Redox processes
Topic 11 and 21 - Measurement and data processing
Option D - Medicinal chemistry
Lab work
SFP Campus lab reports
Internal assessment structure
Internal Assessment examples
Nature of science
General revision
General information
Extended Essay
Other resources for students
Science Fair
Science essays
How to Reference
Chemical formulation
How to write a lab report
Excel for graphs and calculations
Calculate the mean and SD
Drawing graphs
Add error bars to excel graphs
Lab videos!
Further Reading
Women In Science
Proyecto integrado
Department Home page
The International Baccalaureate
Conceptual learning
How will I be assessed?
Primary Science Club
Science Activities Noticeboard
MYP Year 6
Yr 6 Syllabus & Assessment
Unit 1: Introduction to investigation
How to write Lab Reports
Unit 2: Living things
Unit 3: Classification of living things
Unit 4: Fungi, Protists and Bacteria
Unit 5: Nutrition I
Laboratory and Tasks
MYP Year 7
Yr 7 Syllabus & Assessment
7º PAI en español
Unit 1 - What do scientists do?
How to write a lab report
SI Units
Unit 2 - The Earth in the Universe
Unit 3: How can we study living things
Unit 3a - Living things
Unit 3b - The Diversity of Life
The Plant Kingdom
The Animal Kingdom
Unit 4 - Ecosystems & Biodiversity
Unit 5: The systems of the Earth
Unit 5a - The Geosphere and the Atmosphere
Unit 5b - The hydrosphere and the Biosphere
Unit 6: Our changing home
Unit 6a: Internal Geodynamics
Unit 6b: External Geodynamics
Laboratory & Tasks
MYP Year 8
Yr8 Syllabus & Assessment
Units 1, 2 and 3 - Measuring Matters
Unit 1 Physical quantities and Scientific Activity
Converting Units
Unit 2 Matter and its Properties
Unit 3 Pure Substances and Mixtures
Concentration and units (g/L, % mass)
Units 4 and 5 - Chemical Cooking
Models of the Atom
Electronic structure of matter.
Periodic table (distribution of elements).
Chemical formulation
Molecular mass
Types of reactions
Lavoisier's law: Balancing of equations
Reaction rates: Factors that affect the speed of a reaction
Units 6, 7 and 8 - Move It!
Unit 6 - Motion (URM)
Unit 6 - Motion (UARM)
Unit 7 - Forces and Mass
Unit 8 - Energy and Transformations
Laboratory & Tasks
How to write a lab report
MYP Year 9
Yr9 Syllabus & Assessment
Unit 1 - General organization of the human body, health and illness
Human cells: levels of organisation
Health and types of diseases
Preventing diseases
The Immune System
Addictive substances and associated substances
Complete Unit 1
Unit 2 - Nutrition
Nutrition and nutrients
The Mediterranean diet
The anatomy and physiology of the digestive system
The anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system
Revision quizzes
The anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
The anatomy and physiology of the excretory system
Nutrition Documentaries
Unit 3 - Interaction and Coordination
The function and anatomy of the nervous system
The endocrine system
Unit 4 - The reproductive system
Anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system.
Menstrual cycle
Infertility, contraception and STDs
Unit 5 - Genetics
DNA and genetic modification
Cells and Inheritance
Mendelian genetics
Unit 6 - Evolution
Evolutionary theories
Evolution Simulators
EXTRA Unit 7 - Ecology and the environment
Laboratory & Tasks
MYP Year 10
Yr10 Syllabus
Unit 0 - Formulation
Unit 1 - Scientific Activity
Unit 2 - Kinetic theory
The Atmosphere
Unit 3 - Mixtures and pures substances: Colligative properties
Unit 4 - The structure of matter
Unit 5 - Stoichiometry
Unit 6 - Redox Reactions
Unit 7 - Movement
Unit 8 - Forces
Unit 9 - Electricity
Unit 10 - Energy
Assessments and Lab Sessionss
Criterion D - Water crisis
Session 1 - Paper balls
Sessions 2 - Properties of substances
Session 3 - Preparing a Schlenk tube
Session 4 - Gas constant
Session 5 - Colligative properties
Session 6 - Job´s method
Session 7 - Redox titration
Session 8 - UARM
Session 9 - Hooke´s Law
PISA questions
DP Biology SL
Topic 1: Cell biology
1.1 Introduction to cells
1.2 Ultrastructure of cells
1.3 Membrane structure
1.4 Membrane transport
1.5 The origin of cells
1.6 Cell division
Topic 2: Molecular biology
2.1 Molecules to metabolism
2.2 Water
2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids
2.4 Proteins
2.5 Enzymes
2.6 Structure of DNA and RNA
2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation
2.8 Cell respiration
2.9 Photosynthesis
Topic 3: Genetics
3.1 Genes
3.2 Chromosomes
3.3 Meiosis
3.4 Inheritance
3.5 Genetic modification and biotechnology
Topic 4: Ecology
4.1 Species, communities and ecosystems
4.2 Energy flow
4.3 Carbon cycling
4.4 Climate change
C: Ecology and conservation
C.1 Species and communities
C.2 Communities and ecosystems
C.3 Impacts of humans on ecosystems
C.4 Conservation of biodiversity
Topic 5: Evolution and biodiversity
5.1 Evidence for evolution
5.2 Natural selection
5.3 Classification of biodiversity
5.4 Cladistics
Topic 6: Human physiology
6.1 Digestion and absorption
6.2 The blood system
6.3 Defence against infectious disease
6.4 Gas exchange
6.5 Neurons and synapses
6.6 Hormones, homeostasis and reproduction
Statistical analysis
Previous to 2015
Topic 1: Statistical analysis
Topic 2: Cells
2.1 Cell theory
2.2 Prokaryotic cells
2.3 Eukaryotic cells
2.4 Membranes
2.5 Cell division
Option F: Microbes and biotechnology
F1 Diversity of microbes
F2 Microbes and the environment
F3 Microbes and biotechnology
F4 Microbes and food production
Topic 5: Ecology and evolution
5.1 Communities and ecosystems
5.2 The greenhouse effect
5.3 Populations
5.4 Evolution
5.5 Classification
Option D: Evolution
D1 Origin of life on Earth
D2 Species and speciation
D3 Human evolution
Topic 3: The chemistry of life
3.1 Chemical elements and water
3.2 Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
3.3 DNA structure
3.4 DNA replication
3.5 Transcription and translation
3.6 Enzymes
3.7 Cell respiration
3.8 Photosynthesis
Topic 4: Genetics
4.1 Chromosomes, genes, alleles and mutations
4.2 Meiosis
4.3 Theoretical genetics
4.4 Genetic engineering and biotechnology
Topic 6: Human health and physiology
6.1 Digestion
6.2 The transport system
6.3 Defence against infectious disease
6.4 Gas exchange
6.5 Nerves, hormones and homeostasis
6.6 Reproduction
DP Biology Resources
Interesting links
Biología 12º
Bloque 1. Bioquímica
Bloque 2. Biología celular
Bloque 3. Genética y evolución
Bloque 4. Microbiología y biotecnología
Bloque 5. Inmunología
IB Biología NS
IB Chemistry HL
Year 1
Topic 0 - Formulation
Topic 1 - Stoichiometric relationships
Topic 2 and 12 - Atomic structure
Topic 3 and 13 - Periodicity
Topic 4 and 14 - Chemical structure and bonding
Topic 5 and 15 - Energetics
Topic 10 and 20 - Organic chemistry
Year 2
Topic 6 and 16 - Chemical kinetics
Topic 7 and 17 - Equilibrium
Topic 8 and 18 - Acids and bases
Topic 9 and 19 - Redox processes
Topic 11 and 21 - Measurement and data processing
Option D - Medicinal chemistry
Lab work
SFP Campus lab reports
Internal assessment structure
Internal Assessment examples
Nature of science
General revision
General information
Extended Essay
Other resources for students
Science Fair
Science essays
How to Reference
Chemical formulation
How to write a lab report
Excel for graphs and calculations
Calculate the mean and SD
Drawing graphs
Add error bars to excel graphs
Lab videos!
Further Reading
Women In Science
Proyecto integrado
Welcome to Year 7!
Previous Knowledge test
Practice test