a. Multiple choice - 1,2,12,3,13,4,14 - HL sample paper 1
Download the sample paper below the quiz to find the questions.
sample_papers_new_syllabus.pdf |
b. Extended response - 1,2,12,3,13,4,14 - HL sample paper 2
IB Topic 1, 2, 12, 3, 13,4 ,14 (Using HL Sample Paper 2 - Extended responses)
topic_1212313414.docx |
c. Mixed-type questions - 6,16,7,17 - Questionbank
d. Data-based questions - 1,5,15,6,16 - Questionbank
e. Titration questions - 1 - A-level papers
f. Paper 1 - All topics - 2015 IB exams
g. Paper 2 - All topics - 2015 IB exams
Remember that this is from the old syllabus where you had a choice of 2 sections out of 4.
h. Paper 3 - All topics - 2015 IB exams
i. Mixed IB/Selectividad/other - All topics
j. All papers - All topics - All past IB papers
k. Mixed-type questions - All topics - A-level